Reading List: 5 Running-Related Books You Should Read in 2023

Reading List: 5 Running-Related Books You Should Read in 2023

If you’re like me, when you’re not out on an adventure, it’s really fun to vicariously take part and learn about training and nutrition, through books. (Even better if you have a cat around, and good snacks!) Here are a few books that I recommend to my athletes… These also make great gifts for friends!

Good For A Girl

Lauren Fleshman’s new book should be at the top of your list in 2023. It’s one part memoir of a storied track and field athlete, one part feminist call to action. I loved being able to tag along in Lauren’s shoes as she progressed from a high school prodigy, to collegiate champion at Stanford, and later as a professional runner for Nike, and co-founder of Picky Bars. However, it was much more than your typical sports memoir. Lauren’s book is a refreshing new perspective on some of the deep-rooted issues with the structure of competitive running and sports in general, and how we can improve things for future generations, especially for women.

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The Longest Race

Once I finished Lauren’s book, I was really sad. I needed something to fill the void… and enter Kara Goucher’s new book, The Longest Race. Kara’s story is an eye-opening account of her time on Nike’s Oregon Project professional running team, and it offers a thought-provoking insight into the ethical dilemmas she encountered there. Even though Kara and Lauren competed around the same time and sometimes in the same events, their books are written in completely different styles, and addressing different angles on the various issues. Kara’s story is inspiring in an unexpected way. Her running accomplishments are certainly impressive, but this book highlights how she shifts her marathoner work ethic into activism efforts, which culminates in a coaching ban for Alberto Salazar, due to sexual assault and doping charges.

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Rise and Run

This one is a couple years old, but it’s worth highlighting again. Shalane Flanagan and Elyse Kopecky have teamed up over the years to develop an awesome line of cookbooks designed for runners, and Rise and Run is their latest. This book is designed to help you prep healthy breakfasts for early morning runs, and I’ve found their recipes to be so energizing and delicious. (The book also offers a great section for post-run brunch, which is the best meal ever!) Their recipes are nutrient-dense, full of healthy fats, and low in sugar. I recommend getting the hard-copy edition as opposed to a Kindle version, as it’s really nice to have around in the kitchen.

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This one is a must-read for all my female athletes, and/or men who have women in their life! As a leading exercise physiologist, Stacy Sim’s motto is “Women are not small men”, as she found that many of the scientific studies around training and nutrition were designed around men, not women. This book delves into women’s physiology, and how to adapt our training and nutrition around our evolving hormones. In addition, it’s got very practical and specific advice around training during pregnancy, as well as weight lifting strategies, heat training, how to avoid GI distress, and hydration. It’s one of those books that’s great to order as a physical copy as opposed to Kindle, as I find myself grabbing it and revisiting a chapter quite regularly. (I also recommend following her on Instagram, for lots of great tips!)

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I’m currently reading this book after listening to an insightful podcast with author Amy Hammer, and it’s the perfect extension to Stacy Sim’s book. Cycles further elaborates on the female cycle and how hormonal changes affect our brain and body, and it’s providing so much wonderful detail into our unique female physiology. (It’s really quite mind-blowing, and I can’t believe we don’t get this level of detail taught to us as kids!) I’m not there yet, but the book also promises to share nourishing recipes that are designed specifically for each part of the cycle. This is a must-read for all female athletes!

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Happy reading!

I hope you enjoy these books as much as I did! If you do, I always recommend leaving a review for the author, as it really helps them (and they work so hard!). I included links to find the books on, which are affiliate links, something totally new that I’m trying out! If you appreciate the content on this blog, then please consider ordering from the links provided! πŸ™‚

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